This was our very first episode of the Neos Educators Maker Talk Series. Neos Educators is a group of teachers, scientists and researchers around the world who all share one thing in common: using the powerful NeosVR platform in their work. Over the years we have gathered occasionally and informally to present work, run panels and workshops, and share best practices for integrating VR into academic and scientific research.
Bringing my experience with live multi-cam broadcasting to the table, I suggested we formalize our approach and create this series, using my VR multi-cam switcher to broadcast high quality live video to audiences everywhere. My thought was that by streaming and archiving our talks, we can better bridge the gap between the real and virtual worlds, share our knowledge with more people, and give non VR users a chance to see first hand what 'the metaverse' is all about.
This episode featured Dekatron presenting their thesis paper "Firefly Island: Exploring Intimacy in Social VR". A fascinating project that explored embodiment in an avatar, body language, shared experience and intimate behavior in social VR worlds. It was an extremely interesting presentation, and you can watch it here: